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Add Sender

This tutorial looks at adding new senders manually, the previously added ones, and importing them to the list.

Senders are members who send emails on behalf of your organization. Virtual senders are virtual sales assistants who send campaign emails for you, with you controlling them. Real senders are real people who send their campaign emails, or you can send emails for them.

On the main page, click on the Start button next to Add Team Members Who Will Send Emails.


Go to the navigation menu on the left side or top of the page, click Senders - Add Sender.

You can add new senders manually, search and add the previously added ones, or import them as a .csv file.

Adding the Sender Manually

Sender - first, you can decide if the sender is Real or Virtual (Robot). To add a new name manually, you only have to fill out the given fields. Then, you can choose what information to include in the contact's profile. Please note that once you add a sender as Virtual, you cannot switch it back to Real.

When a new sender is added, their name appears in the list.

If you invited a Real sender, the email is sent to their email address to accept the invitation to be a sender. Under the Action tab, you can remove or edit the sender's details.

If a Robot sender is added, you can connect their email account for them under the Action tab. You can also remove or edit their details.

Adding the Sender from the database

Search - look for and add a member who has already been added to your organization.

Importing new senders from a file

File - when trying to add many senders, you can use this way. First, download the example file and use it to add your contacts to the spreadsheet.

To upload many senders, you will need to enter their first name, last name, email, company name, company URL, and type as required fields. Other fields are not mandatory. Note that the Type field describes if the sender is a Real or Virtual one.

If you are using SMTP, you can enter the SMTP details for the sender, and Sales Innovator will connect the sender automatically. You can also enter a link to a sender's profile picture and use the link to get the sender's picture. Uploading these added details will save you time when adding many senders.

You can add as many people as you want to your file, and they will be added as senders to your organization.

Before the senders get added, you will be able to preview the senders and ensure that all their information has been entered successfully.

Once senders are added, you will see them listed in the Manage Senders.

In this tutorial, you learned how to add a small number of senders manually or from the database and import a list of people as senders.

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